Newstart4U in Stafford, Cannock & South Staffordshire

Your personal development is at the heart of everything we do.  We will work with you to break down the barriers that you’ve been facing, so that you feel more able to move closer to employment.  Once you join the programme, you will be assigned an Advocate.  Your Advocate is there for you and will help you to set up a personal action plan. The targets in your action plan will be decided by you, and your advocate will offer support to help you achieve them. For example, if you set a target to improve your confidence and team working skills, you could be referred to Upper Moreton Farm to join one of their hands-on outdoor courses. If you need practical support with computer skills, you could be referred to a free IT class. If you’re being held back by anxiety, your Advocate can help you to access support to improve your mental health and wellbeing. Whatever you’re personal development needs are, you’re in safe and experienced hands with Newstart4U Stafford, Cannock & South Staffordshire.

Claire’s journey

Claire has been introduced to a new holistic approach to her health and wellbeing.  “The help I’ve had is fantastic and has helped both my mind and body. I now have access to the gym where I attend two or three times a week and work with a trainer.  Exercising is helping me both physically and mentally.  It’s a great feeling I have when I leave.” “The programme is a big umbrella of help and support and most importantly it’s hands-on support.  I’ve had support from the Citizens Advice Bureau who have helped me to reduce my utility bills.  Challenge Academy, which is something I never dreamt I would be able to do but I did do it.  I achieved something I never thought I’d do and that gave me such a confidence boost.  I’ve completed training including my First Aid Certificate and I’m starting another course next week.  I visit the Recovery Hub twice a week for classes that support my mental wellbeing.”

Explore Claire's Journey