A tailored service to meet your needs…

Newstart4U Cannock, Stafford & South Staffordshire is a bespoke programme, meaning each and every person that joins us has an individual action plan that aligns with their personal needs.

The programme is completely free for all participants, meaning you’re able to focus 100% on improving your personal, financial and employability skills. Our programme is made up of a network of partners across Cannock and South Staffordshire offering a wealth of specialist support that you can take advantage of.  This could include animal therapy, work placements, yoga, meditation, anxiety and mental health workshops, confidence building activities, debt recovery, IT skills, access to computers and the internet, support with housing and benefit queries as well as so much more.

All participants are also assigned a dedicated support worker, also known as advocate, who works closely with you to ensure you are fully supported every step of the way.  It’s their job to get to know you and to support you throughout your journey with us. We will help you to overcome the barriers you may be facing and support you to move closer to being able to apply for a job. Some people may not be looking for full-time work, but would like to work part-time or to do volunteering in the community.

Newstart4U Cannock, Stafford and South Staffordshire can also support you to find a volunteering opportunity or some work experience to improve your skills, your CV and most importantly yourself. The journey to get to that point will be different for every person and that’s what makes our programme special; we treat you as the unique individual you are, we respect that everyone’s story is different and we empower you to live your best life.

We listen to you, support you and put you first.

Newstart4U Cannock, Stafford & South Staffordshire is funded project by The National Lottery Community Fund, aimed at supporting people who are not currently in work.  Click here to read more about how we’re funded.

Sheryl Advocate

Jenny Advocate

Karin - BBO Advocate

Karin Advocate

Business Enterprise Support Staffordshire Start Up

David Self-employment

Photo of team member Janine Davies of BEAM

Janine Mental Health & Wellbeing