Going Wild For Random Acts of Kindness Week – 11 Feb

How to get here:
Birches ValleyRugeley
WS15 2UQ
Free 1 week course starting Saturday 11th February 2023!
For families in Staffordshire, with children of all ages.
Be kind to yourself, others and the planet!
The course is made up of two parts:
- Going Wild Event at Birches Valley, Cannock Chase – Saturday 11th February 1pm – 4pm. Fun, hands-on nature themed activities to celebrate RAOKW! Make bird feeders, medals or try woodland yoga. Pick up your pack for Going Wild for RAOKW to then complete at home. If you can’t make the event, but would still like to take part, we’re happy to send over an email pack instead!
- It’s Over to You – There will be one simple activity to complete each day. There will be online resources to help you and inspire further acts of kindness! Your family will receive a certificate of achievement at the end of the course!