knowledge Hub


What To Do During A Financial Emergency

If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation where your financial prospects are outstripped by


How To Budget Between Jobs

Being out of work is scary, regardless of whether you’ve been unemployed for a long time or have j


What Benefits Have Been Replaced by Universal Credit?

Since the rollout of Universal Credit, six formerly popular benefits have been replaced. Whilst thes


What is Classed as Living Together For Benefits?

If you’ve been looking into the benefits that you may be entitled to, it’s likely that you’ve


How Much Job Seeker’s Allowance Am I Entitled To?

When asked for advice on benefits, we’re often quizzed most on Job Seeker’s Allowance. This is f


What’s the Difference Between Income and Contribution Based JSA?

A question that we often see arise from people that get in touch is the difference between Contribut


How Many Jobs Should I Apply For On Jobseeker’s Allowance?

The purpose of job seeker’s allowance is to make sure that you are financially stable whilst youâ€


How To Report A Change of Circumstances On JSA?

As the name suggests, ‘new style’ job seeker’s allowance is there to try and support you finan


What Is New Style Job Seeker’s Allowance?

With different types of Job Seeker’s allowance currently available, we understand how confusing it